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If you need an interpreter for the USCIS office, call us right away. Their appointment letter clearly states you are to appear with an interpreter. Do not go there with a relative. It is not how it works plus you will be saving some money initially, but if you have any issues later on and you need someone to stand by the interpretation, your relative will not be able to do so whereas a certified interpreter will be able to professionally help you get through to the difficult path nowadays of being granted the green card.
Cheap is expensive, pay what it is worth now and avoid surprises later!
Besides, we will be there, and we will not let you down.
Same-day delivery $40 per page
Next-day delivery $35 per page
3-Day Delivery $30 per page
5-Day Delivery $25 per page
7-Day Delivery $20 per page
For multiple documents, email us at or call us at 305-776-3713.
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